martes, 31 de enero de 2017

Student Name:


1. The most important thing I learned about working with a group was....

2. My favorite challenge activity was....

3. This was my favorite activity because....

4. My definition of "teamwork" is....

5. Five activities or jobs where I can use "teamwork" are....

Physical Education Cooperation Self-Reflection

How well did you cooperate and work with others today?

-Rate yourself on your cooperative skills. Pick the top 5 phrases that describe how well you worked with others today. (5 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.)

_______ Followed the rules
_______ Encouraged and helped others
_______ Shared with others
_______ Controlled your temper
_______ Worked together with others
_______ Tried hard to apply skills
_______ Wanted everyone to play and succeed
_______ Showed concern for classmates’ feelings

-Write down why did you give yourself this rating?

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